Saturday, 10 September 2011

Uterga - Day 6 of my Journey,

So here I am in Uterga and I must say after having had a shower and doing my washing I am in heaven!  It is amazing what water can do for a weary soul.

Day 1 of my journey was difficult, Day 2 not so bad, but I had no idea what I set myself up for on Day 3 - the climb up and down the hill!!! to Zubiri.  When I reached the sign that said Zubiri was 3.3km away I was more than ready to just fall down dead.  I had no resources left, my feet were aching and when I got to the town, the first and second Auberges were Completo (full) and I had to drag my weary body to the municipal auberge which was not one of my best experiences.  Not too clean, sharing bathroom with both sexes - you get my point. .. hehe. . .and me not sharing bathrooms!!  AGGGGGHHHHH  It was all I could do not to start crying.

Most computers do not allow download of photographs, but I will make a plan in one of the bigger cities.

Started off the next day to Arra which is about 4.5km outside of Pamplona and stayed in Trinidad de Arre - I think. . .I am writing without a guidebook now. . .it was absolute bliss. . . . lovely courtyard garden to sit in, beautiful little town and a supermicado to buy salad stuff.  It was wonderful just sitting in the garden eating salad and drinking wine.  This was also my cheapest meal so far. . .pilgrims menu´s in the region of 12 Euros and this cost me (including my yoghurt and fruit for breakfast the next day) about 4 Euros.

Spent yesterday in Pamplona exploring a bit. . . and left at 6 this morning to Uterga.  This to me had been an easier day although it was quite steep up and down, but nothing like the bit to Zubiri. . .  .On Wednesday I had serious doubts about my ability to do this.  The first 3 days were not easy.

I am learning many lessons and releasing so much crap (sorry about that one), much time to think and finding myself really trusting God for strength and resilience on the difficult parts. . .Today many songs and poems just wrote themselves in my head and before I knew it - I WAS IN UTERGA!!!  How amazing is that?

This first week I have really only plodded along and have not taken that many pictures. . . Realised that I am walking more from A to B to get a bed, than experiencing and being on THE WAY!  Am not going to keep on doing it like this.

Well, that is it for me now, just a quick update, and will try to post again early in next week. . .I am not having an easy time, but I am still strong in my mind. . . .(kan nie nou dink wat moedeloos in Engels is nie - maar ek is nog nie moedeloos nie).

The trip to Zubiri did quite a bit of damage to my feet.  I am nursing some really big blisters - which my shoes have never given me. . .hope they will get better and not worse.

In the meantime I miss everybody that I love so much. . . .and on my way up the mountain today cried many tears - specifically for my sister who passed away last year. . .

To my kids who are really cheering me on and my grandchildren. . .- I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH AND AM SHEDDING A TEAR HERE. . . .LAW JOE MATS!!!!!

Tomorrow I might only go as far as Los Arcos, dont know and have decided to take each day as it comes. 

Remember that you can mail me on  I may not be able to reply but I do receive those messages on my blackberry. . . . It is great to receive an email saying that you commented on my blog or even just wishing me well.

On I walk. . .xxxx


Zelda said...

Wow I sommer got tears in my eyes reading blog! I will email you later! Keep well and stay strong! Remember you neva alone - the Lord is always with you!!

Neels en Eloise said...

ag mammie, dit klink baie tough, maar it was always going to be tough! So, brace yourself, and just do it! Rustig en op ma se eie pas. tree vir tree. Baie lief vir ma! Die week het ma nou al klaar 'n baie groter adventure angepak as ooit tevore, en daar deur gekom. Ma kan baie trots daarop wees!

marti.vandendool said...

Hi Sista,

Sooo proud of ye! En bietjie jaloers! Ek wonder so of ek dit sal kan doen, en of ek dalk nog eendag die geleentheid sal kry. Bly sterk, en soos jy fikser raak, sal jy sekerlik meer kan BELEEF, en nie net oorleef nie.

Anonymous said...

Hoe ganet? Kyk elke dag vir 'n "update" v j blog. Lekker om te weet hoe dit met jou gaan en hoe ver jy nou al is met jou roete.Hoop jy's is nog op skedule.Sterk wees Willemien. Vat dit dag vir dag. Jy's baie tough. Ek is baie seker dat ek dit nie sou kon regkry. Onthou om dit ook te geniet. Enjoy vriendin.