Thursday, 22 September 2011

Bathroom Dialog : Warning : Not for Sensitive Readers

So I cannot find the exclamation mark on this keyboard and I really do need it. .

Bathroom or Toilet Dialog : Week 1

Me : Surprised Look on my Face
The Door is closed is it not . . . Question Mark, Question Mark
. . .can not find the flicking thing on this keyboard so prepare yourself for a really interesting read. .
Yes, It is Closed and Locked because I am inside sitting on the loo : Exclamation Mark, Exclamation Mark, Exclamation Mark
No, it is not stuck, it is locked : Exclamation Mark, Exclamation Mark, Exclamation Mark
Fluck : Exclamation Mark, Exclamation Mark, Exclamation Mark
Fluck It is Locked
Go Away, Voetsek, Los my Uit, If you touch that door again I am going to come out and kill you with my bare hands Exclamation Mark, Exclamation Mark, Exclamation MarkExclamation Mark, Exclamation Mark, Exclamation Mark, Exclamation Mark, Exclamation Mark, Exclamation Mark

Bathroom or Toilet Dialog : Week 2
Well, the door is closed and it is definitely locked, so maybe you can go away and leave me in peace ; Exclamation Mark, Exclamation Mark, Exclamation Mark
Yes, it is in fact locked and not stuck, there is someone inside, voetsek Exclamation Mark, Exclamation Mark, Exclamation Mark

Bathroom or Toilet Dialog : Week 3

Oh fluck off : the door is locked, go away, voetsek, take a number, just leave me alone..


My sincere apologies if the above post offended you. . . .I just had to get it out. . hehe. .. . maybe in European countries doors are always closed and you have to try it to make sure if the loo is available or not.

Wild Very Wild Peregrino


Zelda said...

Sitting in Vredendal Spur waiting for my food reading your toilet explanation! The thought came to mind what I would have said and I just smiled!!

Martin said...

Oe maaaa! ek het nou amper in my broek gepiepie van die lag! Vreeslik oulik geskets :D xxxxx