Thursday, 13 October 2011

Arca O Pino

Thursday, 13 October 2011

I am in Arca O Pino, only 20kms from Santiago.

The last 5 weeks had many ups and downs, a fall, a getting up again and lots of pain and limping. And yet, here I am, nearing the end of my journey to Santiago.

I initially planned to walk another 4 days to Finnisterre but with the pain in my ankle decided that I would bus there, and maybe one day return. . who knows what the future holds?

For all of those who mailed and asked about my ankle. . no it is not the leg that I broke in 2009 - it is my right leg. The swelling has gone down considerably, the only pain now is from a ligament that will take another 4 weeks or so to heal properly.

Some of my fellow pilgrims thinks that I am hardheaded. . .others just think that I am plain stupid. . . but I could not just stop the journey halfway. I bussed some of it and walked short stretches. I do feel that I have missed out on the experience of Galicea. Galicea to my mind, is the most beautiful part of the Camino. If I ever do return I will walk again from Sarria. . .

Tomorrow I arrive in Santiago. I plan to bus to the end of the world on Saturday, spend the night there - I have to see the sun dipping into the sea - and then back to Santiago on Sunday, spending another day or two there.

I do believe that things happen for a reason. The group that I walked with for most of the journey has now finished their Camino and all have gone home - or the ones who took rest days in Leon - is behind me. I hope to meet at least some of them in Santiago. I have met some lovely new people over the last couple of days. . people I have not travelled with before. Lots of talking over bottles of good Galicea wine and eating pulpo. . .a delicacy in Galicea and very very good.

How simple my life had become. I find myself with long stretches after walking and arriving in the next town of doing nothing, nada, zero, zilch! Not an easy thing for me! The best part of this is the realisation that there is nothing wrong with doing nothing. . . At some level the learning continues. Just sitting in the plaza soaking up the sun, looking at the people passing. . .I could come and live here in Spain!!

I will probably only update the blog once I am back in Britian. Would really like to upload some photographs so that you can experience this in pictures as well. Words can become quite boring. . .

Well, that is me for today. . .

I have gone from wild peregrino to walking, eating, sleeping peregrino, stupid peregrino, hungry peregrino, wild peregrino, bathroom annoyed peregrino, falling, getting up, walking with pain peregino, crying peregrino, wild and limping peregrino and still the circle is not complete. . . will it ever be, I wonder.

In the meantime,


Wild and Limping but Satisfied with Life Peregrino

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

3 Days to Santiago!!!

Blogging from my cell phone. I am in Galicea and should be in Santiago by Friday!

It feels very surreal and although my journey did not go exactly as I planned it, I feel loath to stop. .

Will do a proper update as soon as I can find an internet cafe. .

Limping Peregrino

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Sarria and Hospitals

I am in Sarria now, spent the day at the local hospital, getting my foot checked out.

I have hurt (not torn) the ligaments in my right foot and I have arthritis!! in my right foot and the fall caused me to get inflammation. So the pharmacia said I sprained my ankle, the doctor say yes, but the sprain caused the arhtritis to get inflamed. I must say I do not understand a word of it.

I could stop walking, but I am only 100 odd kilometres away from Santiago. I could rest for 2 more days as prescribed by the doctor and then start walking really short stages of 5 - 10 kms. Right now I have no idea what to do. . give up and come back. .or try to finish???

I will keep you up to date as soon as a decision has been made.

Much Love

Confused Peregrino

Sunday, 2 October 2011

In Astorga the Tears Started

On the way to Astorga the tears started.

I have been crying now for 2 days and there is no stopping the tears.

Every kind deed - Jerry the Irishman taking my pack of my back and taking it upstairs, claiming a bed for me, Sweet Tina giving me a hug - it all just opens the floodgates.

I am having so much difficulty to show vulnerability
so much difficulty to do things the easy way
I am having so much difficulty to show that I am weak
and yet I have no resources left, nothing to stop the tears, they just keep coming, why do I have to understand why?

I write a long piece in my journal about all my tears, too personal and painful to share on my blog.

Amongst other things I am crying for my sister who died in pain and all alone with no one to hold her hand and comfort her.

I am crying for all the people who are living with hurt. Broken people who do not know the way out of all the heartache and pain.

I am crying 50 years of tears, which I have been holding back, always being strong, never showing emotion, always comforting other people.

I am crying for years of believing that I am not enough, a story I know I told myself - a story that was not true.

I am crying
I am crying
I am crying

Crying Peregrino

At Fromista I Fell

To dry one´s eyes and laugh at a fall,
and, baffled, get up and begin again. Robert Browning

At Fromista I fell and got up again, dusted myself off and kept walking, because this is what I do. . I fall, I get up, I go on, I fall, I get up, I go on. . I have always been able to get up and begin again.

After a very slow walk into Carrion de Los Condes, a visit to the pharmacia and many Voltarens and Voltaren Gels later, I sat down at a sidewalk cafe.

In the true spirit of the Camino Karin who I have met 2 or 3 times before came around the corner and we spent a good afternoon together.

Walking was now becoming a big problem for me and I took the train from Sahagun to Leon where I spent 3 days giving my foot/ankle a rest. I am now walking with a brace on my right ankle and the going is not easy.

Peregrino in Pain. .